Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program

The Project Recovery Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout (PDRB) Program is a mandatory buyout program designed to reduce the risk of future flooding and increase the safety of residents and businesses in areas that have experienced repetitive flooding. FEMA maintains a national database of properties flagged as “Severe Repetitive Loss” (SRL) from flooding, meaning that the properties have had at least four flood claims.

Harris County, excluding the City of Houston, has a total of 869 SRL properties which, combined, have stacked up 5,364 National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) paid losses totaling $400,054,157. Both the total number of NFIP paid losses and the total amount of NFIP payments for SRL properties in all of Harris County, including Houston, are the largest totals of any area in the U.S.

Harris County’s future flood resilience and the safety of our residents and first responders depends upon returning repetitively flooding areas to green space.

Owners of property in targeted areas will be offered:

  • Fair market appraised value for their property (residential, commercial or vacant).
  • Relocation assistance which could include advisory services, moving and related expenses, business re-establishment services, replacement housing payments, rental assistance payments, and down payment assistance for replacement homes.

Get Information About Your Relocation Benefits

If you live in a mandatory buyout area, please contact your Buyout Program relocation specialist to determine your eligibility for benefits and to gain assistance finding a replacement home. If you do not have a relocation specialist assigned to you, connect with a specialist by calling 832-927-4955 or emailing

You can also connect with a relocation specialist by visiting the Relocation Office, located at Greens Road Mobile Home Park, located at 1710 Greens Road, #D1, Houston, TX 77032. Specialists are available to assist you every weekday from 1-5 p.m. 

Program Status

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The Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program Guidelines have been updated based on comments from the public received to date.

Approval Letter
Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout Program Guidelines – 05/28/24

Approval Letter - Spanish
Pautas del Programa de Reubicación y Compa Posterior a Desastres - 05/28/24 

The table below is an easy reference guide to the latest updates.

Section Change
1 Change of program name
3 Added narrative on maintaining flood insurance and determining market value of buyout home
4 Added narrative on closing date
6 Added narrative on closing date
8 Added narrative on relocation housing payments and lawful presence in the United States, including examples of computation of payments
9 Updated information on downpayment assistance and added new incentive
Attachment A Added narrative under “Moving Payments” and lawful presence in the United States and guidelines on adverse impact
Attachment C Map added
Attachment D New attachment added with public comments to date


No Upcoming Events at this time. 

Presentations – Aug. 13, 2020 – Virtual Buyout Services Summit


Public Town Hall – Spanish Aug. 4, 2020

Precinct 1 & 2 Town Hall – Spanish Aug. 22, 2020

Business Owner Forum Sept. 3, 2020

Community Information Update – March 16, 2021

Precinct 1 & 2 Town Hall Aug. 22, 2020

Actualizar la información de la comunidad 16 de marzo, 2021

Public Town Hall July 23, 2020

Public Town Hall – Spanish Aug. 4, 2020

Public Town Hall July 16, 2020

Newsletters and Notices


SAFE Program Deadline Has Been Extended

For those in the SAFE Program, the deadline for securing a replacement home under contract or executing a lease for a rental property has been extended beyond the previously communicated date of September 20th. Additionally, the deadline for landlords to relocate or release mobile homes to Harris County has also been extended.

This extension is intended to help those with complex situations resolve issues that may have impeded relocation by the initial deadline. We continue to encourage prompt action in securing your replacement home.  

Please contact your relocation specialist by September 27th to clearly understand the status of your case and options to address your specific circumstances.

If you require additional guidance regarding your relocation, the Buyout Program can provide you with a social service team member who collaborates closely with your relocation specialist to provide further assistance and resources. If you are not currently working with a social service team member and wish to, please call 832-927-4955 or email for this additional support.

Se Ha Ampliado el Plazo del Programa SAFE

Para los participantes en el Programa SAFE, el plazo para asegurar una vivienda de reemplazo bajo contrato o ejecutar un contrato de arrendamiento para una propiedad de alquiler se ha ampliado más allá de la fecha previamente comunicada del 20 de septiembre. Además, también se ha ampliado el plazo para que los propietarios reubiquen o liberen casas móviles en el condado de Harris.

Esta extensión tiene por objeto ayudar a las personas con situaciones complejas a resolver los problemas que pueden haber impedido la reubicación en el plazo inicial.  Seguimos animándole a que actúe con prontitud para conseguir su vivienda de reemplazo.

Póngase en contacto con su especialista en reubicaciones antes del 27 de septiembre para comprender claramente el estado de su caso y las opciones para abordar sus circunstancias específicas.

Si necesita orientación adicional con respecto a su reubicación, el Programa de Compra puede poner a su disposición un miembro del equipo de servicios sociales que colabora estrechamente con su especialista en reubicación para proporcionarle más ayuda y recursos. Si no trabaja actualmente con un miembro del equipo de servicios sociales y desea hacerlo, llame al 832-927-4955 o envíe un correo electrónico a para obtener este apoyo adicional.

Relocation Office

The Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout (PDRB) Program has a relocation office at the Greens Road Mobile Home Park located at 1710 Greens Road, #D1, Houston, TX 77032.

Program management is available to assist program participants with information regarding relocation assistance, replacement housing assistance and the SAFE Program.

Program participants may drop in or schedule an appointment with a Relocation Specialist.

To schedule an appointment or for more information, call 832-927-4955 or email

Office Hours

Monday - Friday | 1 p.m. – 5 p.m.


Oficina de Reubicación

El Programa de Reubicación y Compra Posterior a Desastre (PDRB, por sus siglas en inglés) tiene una oficina de reubicación en el Parque de Casas Móviles de Greens Road, ubicado en 1710 Greens Road, #D1, Houston, TX 77032.

La gerencia del programa está disponible para ayudar a los participantes del programa con información sobre la asistencia para la reubicación, la asistencia para la vivienda de reemplazo y el Programa SAFE.

Los participantes en el programa pueden pasarse o concertar una cita con un especialista en reubicación.

Para programar una cita o para más información, llame al 832-927-4955 o envíe un correo electrónico a

Horario de oficina

Lunes - Viernes | 1 p.m. - 5 p.m.


Below is a listing of forms that may be required for participants in Harris County’s Post Disaster Relocation and Buyout (PDRB) Program.

If you have any questions about which forms you need to complete, please call or email at 832-927-4955,

Please be advised that information provided in the forms must be true and accurate to the best of your knowledge and belief. Providing false representations on these forms constitutes an act of fraud. False, misleading or incomplete information may result in your ineligibility to participate in Programs that will accept the forms. Warning: Any person who knowingly makes a false claim or statement to HUD may be subject to civil or criminal penalties under 18 U.S.C. 287, 1001 and 31 U.S.C. 3729.

Eligibility Forms

Relocation Forms 

Ask a question

If you did not find the information you were looking for in our FAQ, please submit a question here. Leave your contact information and a representative will contact you soon.